Hi! We have had pictures to post for a few weeks but our office has been way too cold to work in (it's upstairs) so we waited a while. It is still cold, but Ethan is braving it and I'm down in the warm living room. Miss Taya is taking a nap and Nima is cuddling with me :). I'm so lucky!
We traveled to Ogallala for Christmas at my mom's, which we celebrated very early since it worked in everyone's schedule. Taya was still not feeling the best and we spotted the top of a tooth on Saturday evening. Our nights have not been restful, but we hope she will start feeling better soon.
Taya was four months old on Dec. 6. She has been doing so many fun and cute things. She likes to laugh, talk, and smile which I hope you can tell from the video. She likes to scoot around on her back and turns circles and pulls her legs up to her chest and throws them over to the side. She has not actually rolled over yet, but we can tell she is thinking about it. She also puts anything her hand come in contact with in her mouth (or toward her mouth). With her teeth coming in she likes to chomp on her toys, fist, pacifier, and even our fingers. She truly is a sweet little baby, even with the interruptions at night.
Reading a book: "The Polar Express".
Looking like a little angel with her hands folded while she sleeps in daddy's arms.
Looking at her Christmas tree.
With mommy
"Hey mom and dad!! Look at me :)"
(I love this picture!!!!!!)
Tummy time...
Playing with dad-o
Meeting Santa for the first time.
We actually went on a wild-goose chase looking for Santa. This was the third place we tried. She didn't know what to think, but really wanted to play with his beard. She didn't cry though.