Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Mother's Day and Taya growing up

I had a very blessed Mother's day and was treated very special! I got a corsage to wear to church, a necklace, some GAP pants I had been wanting, and we went out to eat breakfast at our fave-Farmhouse Cafe!! I even got a short nap :).
Taya's newest thing is pulling herself up. Ethan bought her a shopping cart a while ago so she likes to stand up and throw stuff out of it. Right now we have it anchored against both the couch and loveseat, but eventually she will be able to start walking with it.
The other night she went shopping "commando" :)

Shopping with her jammies on.
Some day, she will kill us.
My very cute baby and handsome husband. I could haven't have picked a better family!! God has definitely blessed me!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

They took me to the zoo!

Two weeks ago we took Taya to the zoo for the first time. We ended up buying a family pass this year so we hope to take our little curious baby there quite often. We saw the penquins, peacocks, lots of fish and marine life in the aquarium, the big lions/tigers/pumas/etc. in the cat house, and finally a polar bear. It was a little damp outside so we made it a quick trip.

Later that week, my grandma Cena and aunt Jen stopped on their way through town. Taya was happy to have company and I think she entertained her guests quite well. I also took the opportunity for a 'mental health day' and got a massage after seeing the chiropractor.

Last weekend we traveled up to Wayne for Taya's first trip to "camp". I took a two hour nap, Nima bossed some steers, Ethan and Les played horseshoes, and grandma Debbie got some quality time with Taya.

Taya turned 9 months old on Wednesday. These past 9 months went by much faster than the 9 months of pregnancy. She does something new every day it seems. She started crawling last Saturday. She had gotten good at going backward, but she is going forward now non-stop!! We are taking swimming lessons again and she is leaps and bounds farther along than when we first started in January. She is a good kicker and splasher and she loves the water! Taya says "momomom" when she sees me and is getting "dadadada" down.
She weighs 19 lbs 10 oz and is 27.5 inches long
Her smile and laugh makes a whole long day of work fade from memory at the end of the day.
Last night Ethan and I went to a Kenny Chesney concert (also there were Lady Antebellum and Miranda Lambert). We also went out to eat. It is the first time we have been out together, by ourselves, since Taya's birth. Grandpa Les and Grandma Debbie came to babysit and spend the night! Here is what we walked in on at 11:30 p.m.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the mothers I know and love!!!