Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hello from Ohio. It has been a little nicer outside so we've had some sunshine and fresh air to rejuvenate us. Unfortunately, as we speak, it is rainy, dreary and cold. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Omi and Papa later this afternoon; Rory and I have lots to get done today! This will be their first time meeting Rory and it's Papa's first trip to our new place.
We have been busy with the usual...story time, play dates, and work. Rory is talking a lot and is very social. Sometimes he will get mad and once we start talking to him he is all smiles. He is also starting to laugh a little and responds to tickling. His favorite word continues to be "goo" so he also has a new nickname, Goo, which has turned into other fun nicknames like Goo-bear and Goo-goo. He responds to all. Taya calls him Baby Rory and also has a song she sings "I love my baby Rory, I love my baby Rory". She has been singing made-up songs for a few months now but as added playing guitar. She has favorite country songs "Undo It" by Carrie Underwood and "Hear Me on the Radio" by Reba and she sings and dances along. We are never in short supply of entertainment around here!
I have realized I'm not quite ready for the rough-housing that occurs between siblings. Yesterday Rory was sleeping on the loveseat and I was mixing up cookies. I checked on him and looked away for a minute, then heard Taya say "I'm sitting on baby Rory's head". I didn't know if I'd heard her right so I went to look and she was sitting smack square on his head, covering his nose. He wasn't crying or anything but it scared me to tears. Ugh. I'm glad Taya is so verbal and quick to tell us what she's doing, otherwise I might not have noticed for a while.
I hope you enjoy the pics...sorry it has taken me a few weeks. I forgot that I had taken some cute ones!

Rory ready for an outing
Open gym at a local rec center.Taya played with this lawn mower for an hour! There were several little boys following her around waiting for her to lose interest :).
She wouldn't let go of the mower to get the ball.
Ok, time for a different toy
A sit 'n' spin! I wasn't sure if she knew how to work it, but she did!

Rory has been wanting to be more upright lately. If we're holding him in our arms or if he's sitting in his car seat, he lifts his head up like he wants to sit. We ended up getting the exersaucer out for something new. He likes it for a few minutes at a time. These pictures were from the first time he sat in it.

We also got the Bumbo out. Rory does well holding his head up and he enjoys being able to look around. Sometimes when he sits in it Taya will hold a book up and read a story. He really loves any time Taya talks to him.
One morning I put Rory in the recliner while I picked up the kitchen and Taya wanted to cuddle with him. I love the sweet, quiet interactions between them.
Ethan and Rory brought me flowers and a balloon to work on Valentine's Day. It was great to see my boys while I was at work! Taya went to school that day because they had a party and she loves parties!
We love you! Have a wonderful week :).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

For fun

Rory at 2 months:
17 lbs
26.75 inchesFor comparison, Taya at 2 months!
11 lbs, 10 oz
22.25 inches I think they have similarities but I can tell the difference between male and female characteristics.

January '11 comes to a close

Hello! It's hard to believe it's February already. 1/12th of the year is over and it's already flying by! We have had snow and ice and cold weather, like most of you reading this but we've been safe and cozy so we feel very blessed. I have some cute pictures of the kids and want to get them posted before Rory wakes up.

Taya and Nima cuddling on the couch
Taya getting a special "sticker"
Go Huskers :)
Taya enjoys wrestling with dad-o.
She also enjoys stories
Ethan got out his Legos a few weeks ago and Taya sure enjoys playing with them...she also enjoys spreading them out all over the floor!
Reading Rory a story. Notice how she holds the book up, just like Mr. George does at story time ;)

Ethan took the front off Taya's crib on Sunday. We are transitioning to a big girl bed (hope to get her a twin bed in the next month or 2). She LOVES it! In the morning she tells me "mom, I got out of bed by myself!" and she is very proud of that independence.
My little mister getting a bath.
Taya helps me every time.
Brother and sister time
Taya covered Rory up with all of her blankets (I think there are 8 blankets there). She covered then uncovered him several times. At one point I had just put him on the floor and he was angry but I was trying to finish up some cooking. When Taya started covering him up, he was quiet and he was happy the rest of the time. It's such a blessing to watch them grow and interact. I love my kids!!
Taya has a bit of an Oreo beard

This is my big boy at 9 weeks old. He had a doctor appointment and 3 shots on Tuesday. He did well afterward, but toward the end of that day he just wanted mom cuddles. He's been pretty sleepy the past few days.
17 lbs
26.75 inches
42 cm head circumference

It seems Rory is already older than he really is. First of all, he's the size of a 6 month old! Second, he hold his head up really well and likes to be upright to look around. He prefers to sit up and lately also like to stand on his legs a little. His stamina is low but we are working with him.
After having me read all day, Taya is happy for a different voice to read her books.
Very happy to stand a little

Stay warm!