Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pictures of baby

The day has arrived! We had our ultrasound today. It was so amazing to see all the little parts; technology is so neat! Although we deferred our quad-screen (to detect possible birth defects) the ultrasonographer checked the cerebellum and spine for signs of spina bifida (no signs), the bones of the little finger for Down's Syndrome (no signs), and the nose and palate for a cleft palate (no signs).

The little one was all curled up and made it hard for the ultrasonographer to look at the heart and c-spine but she was final able to get a few images. It's legs were curled all the way up and over it's head and it kept moving it's arms and hands. We have two arms and hands and two legs and feet.
The baby is about 14 oz today which is the 71st percentile. I have adequate amniotic fluid and my placenta is away from the cervix, so no placenta previa. The baby's head is also down. We were able to be strong and did not find out the sex of the baby. Unless we ask for another, I doubt we have another ultrasound since everything looked great. The high-risk OB said I should relax and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy because he sees so signs for concern. I can breathe easy now!
I am up to 130.2 lbs today. At the next midwife visit I will get the Glucola for the glucose tolerance test (to see if I have gestational diabetes).
That is about all the exciting news from Omaha. Ethan and I are settling in for an evening of NCAA basketball and homework. Hope all is well!!

A profile view with a little hand.

Another profile view.

On the left, you can see it's little leg going up and over; it's head is just out of sight below. On the right is a little foot. I am such a sucker for baby feet that this is one of my favorite pictures and one of the first shots she took.

1 comment:

kt said...

So glad to hear the baby looks great and has all its fingers and toes! Isn't it such a miracle to have a baby growing inside of us! And how much a baby changes in just a matter of weeks! Getting a glimpse of the baby, sure makes it hard to wait 20 more weeks to meet him or her!
love ya lots!