Friday, October 24, 2008

The days of our lives

What have we been up to?? Well, I have been back to work part time since Sept. 29. I go back full time on November 3. Taya continues to grow. She has been "talking" to us more and smiling a lot more. She is a morning girl. Since I don't go in until 1:00 p.m., we get up around 8:00 and she talks and smiles and stretches for a while, then eats again and takes a nap. It works out just right so I can take a shower and get ready for work. Then we have naked time, play, and eat again before I go to work. It's amazing how we just fell into our little routine. I will really miss that once I go to work full time. We'll have to save naked time for the evenings and I'll just have to plan enough time for talking and playing before we go to work.
Taya has really taken to her frog rattle. It can be seen in the periphery of one of the pictures. She laughs and talks to it for quite a while. She still likes her giraffe Abner, but he doesn't make noise.
Nima has also been enjoying Taya now that she is more active. We can't put Taya on the floor without Nima licking her all over. They get along pretty well but we'll see how long that lasts. The other day Taya grapped some whiskers and also her ear :).
Grammy flies in today from her trip to Connecticut. She will be spending a long weekend here. Taya gets baptised on Sunday so we're planning to have lunch and cake with some family and friends (those who can make it). We took two baptism preparation classes at church and met some other nice couples.
Well, I know all you really want to see are new pictures, so here you go!

I love the above picture. It is the background on my cell phone. She was SO tired...

This bunny outfit is fleece so we use it for walking. She looks adorable in it. Daddy picked it out.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Congrats on the baptism this weekend. I hope all goes well. Love to all!!