We have had a fun week in Ohio. It's amazing how many more pictures I take now that I am home with Taya. I just leave my camera sitting around and snap shots whenever I want! When Taya sees the camera she says "Cheeeeeese" and wants her picture taken.
We are working on potty training although it's nothing intense. Once in a while Taya will actually potty (both #1 and #2) but mostly she likes to sit on the potty and read books. She is starting to know some of her favorite books and I will recognize certain pages that she's "reading". I love it!
Her vocabulary is really growing as well. When we were in Connecticut a month ago she said her first sentence "I see big moon". She loves to spot the moon and airplanes. Anyway, we got home from the store yesterday and she said plain as day "Turn on my show, please". How could I say no to that? She has been saying "I love you" or when we say "I love you" to her she says "I love you too". She also likes to pray before we eat. She does the sign of the cross and after we pray we bless people. This week she has really liked to bless her cousins Beau and Jayden (without us prompting her). It is so adorable!
Taya has been daddy's helper this week also. We got a new dishwasher because the one in the house was leaving rust on all of our glasses and not cleaning the dishes. We have also been working hard on the fence so she wants to help with that too. *I would just like to mention that I have even been helping daddy outside. I moved out a bunch of pavers from the front flower bed and have been putting slats in the fence. It does feel good to be outside doing some manual labor and breaking a sweat but I am very sore.
One day Taya sat in her chair and said "cheese" so I asked if she wanted her picture taken and she said "yes. So here it is!
We like to watch Wheel of Fortune.
One moment Taya is on her step wanting to help me in the kitchen...
The next minute it was way too quiet and this is what I found. Taya and Nima sleeping on the couch.
Taya likes to wear daddy's socks around.
There was a dying tree in the back yard so Ethan cut it down on Sunday morning. He was excited for an excuse to run a chainsaw.
Dishwasher installation.
Taya spotting an airplane.
Using the tapemeasure.
I've been trying to encourage Taya to wear a hat when she's outside and I figured it would be a good example if I wore one too. There is quite the glow coming off our white hats!
About a week ago we went on a walk and there was this sandbox and an old Little Tykes kitchen sitting by the curb. We asked the family there if they were giving them away. They had actually called bulk pick-up to come take them to the dump but said we could have them if we wanted. Besides being faded there wasn't anything wrong with either item so we took them! Now Taya has lots of fun outside toys. We even got pink sand for her sandbox.