Wednesday, June 2, 2010

~14 weeks

I didn't even acknowledge Ethan's and my 5 year anniversary last week. May 27th was the day...we didn't do anything special but Ethan sent me flowers. This was the first anniversary he has actually been able to "send" me flowers since I was at home this year. It was a nice surprise and they were beautiful. They are still beautiful today, 6 days later! We were commenting on all that has happened in the past 5 years and how quickly it went by. Not that we didn't think we would make it but on our wedding day a 5 year anniversary seemed SO far away. Thanks for the wonderful years and I look forward to many more honey!

Well, I went to my first appointment in Ohio yesterday. I miss my Omaha midwives! I am not sure the midwife here was totally on board with my childbirth wishes so I may search out someone else but we'll see. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to compare some pictures between my pregnancy with Taya and this baby.
Here is my 15 week pic with Taya...
And my 14 week pic with baby Mann #2...
Yes I'm still in my jammies this morning and I took this picture with the timer so it's not the best but it will do. I think I actually looked bigger with Taya but it's hard to tell. I must say I'm glad I haven't "ballooned up" like everyone has told me will happen after the first pregnancy. I think everyone is different and it depends on so many things. I'm glad I look and feel healthy now and look forward to enjoying the rest of the pregnancy.
I realized that since I am not the best with journaling or keeping a pregnancy book that my blog is my archive, so I apologize for those of you who could care less about my pregnancy stats. But here they are as of yesterday:
Wt.-127 lbs
Blood pressure-110/62
Baby's heartbeat-160 bpm
My next appt. is schduled for 5 weeks out and we will have our ultrasound at that time. I'm excited and I can't believe it's time for our seemed like it took forever with Taya. I guess moving and having a 22 month old can really make time fly! :)
Have a wonderful day!!

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