Saturday, December 18, 2010

Almost Christmas!

Merry 'early' Christmas from Taya and Rory. Our kids are definitely our best gifts! Before Grammy left us, she let Taya open her biggest gift...
.................a new kitchen!

My handsome little man
Rory received this soft, blue bear blanket from our cousins, the Qarmouts, but Nima took it over before he could try it out. No worries, Rory got it back later (where we had a little "accident" during loose diaper time) :).
Rory really focusing on something. I think it's cute!
The day before Grammy left we finally made some cookies! Taya loves to help pour the ingredients and stir. She did a really good job; I think she was just happy to be included.

Her favorite cookie cutter was the star. Grammy thinks stars are the hardest to frost :).

Taya and I did sprinkles after Grammy got the cookies frosted.

I know I haven't written much "commentary" lately...usually because I am posting with one hand as I hold Rory in the other. Today I have two hands but want to take a nap. So I'm still going to keep this short with good intentions to post a little more about our days and also Rory's birth story.
In short, my kids are amazing! I really didn't think have 2 kids would be so "easy". Don't get me wrong, I am REALLY tired and I get really frustrated and get irritated easily, but Taya has really adapted to being a big sister and for the most part is content to love on Rory a little, then leave him alone. Having my mom here for a month was truly a blessing and she helped me ease into being a mother of 2. Ethan has also been very understanding and has taken on the role of Taya's "primary caretaker" when I'm busy feeding Rory. We have just adapted to a new routine around here and so far it's going well. Our next big transition will be when I return to work; I still haven't decided when that will be yet.
Rory is such a sweetheart. For those of you who know me well, I really didn't know if I could "have" a boy, you know, with their boy parts, but I love having a son. Taya is so special because she's my little girl and she made me a mom, but having a son is just different. I was talking to him the other day, just a little baby-talk about nothing, and he smiled at me 3 different times. I thought the first one was a gas smile, but then he did it again and I thought it must be legitimate. He also rarely cries and he loves to cuddle. I try not to hold him ALL the time, but he's just so good that it makes me want to cuddle him.
I survived my first day home alone with both kids on Friday and even ventured out for a playdate. I was really ready for Ethan to get home from work that day, but we made it to bedtime and nobody got hurt, so I consider it a successful day :). To all you moms out there, God bless you. Have a good week, everyone!

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