Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter preview

HaPpY EaStEr everyone! AND...happy 5 month birthday to Mr. Rory. It's hard to believe because it's gone by so quickly (plus he's the size of a 1 year old, so my "newborn" is gone). Anyway, as I promised several family members, I am posting a few pics from our day (and week) and will post more when I get time this week.
More cuddles in mom and dad's bed before school...this time Rory couldn't keep his eyes open.
Bath time!

At an Easter egg hunt on Saturday the 23rd. Taya dominated!

We stalked people after church to take our picture. :)

Since he is now 5 months old, we started rice cereal today. I believe my breastmilk has been nutritious enough for him, but he has been watching us eat lately so I think he's ready. He was a pro right away!

He still managed to blow some rice cereal bubbles for dad-o. Or maybe he was just spitting food on his Buckeye bib??

After the cereal Rory nursed a little, we went outside, he got a bath, he nursed a little more and he's now been sleeping for 3.5 hours. We'll see if he goes all night but he must have been tired and satisfied.

God bless you all...we love you!

*Not proofread for the sake of getting this posted quickly so I can go to bed :)*

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