Sunday, February 17, 2008

First post

Chistmas card photo 2007.

I am finally feeling up to starting my blog and the urging of my wonderful cousin Katie :). It has taken her several months to talk me into it, but we now have exciting news to share so I thought it was time.

A few weeks after Thanksgiving I was not feeling well. I thought I was getting pneumonia since one of my co-workers had it. Instead, I had a positive pregnancy test and the rest is history! I had a rough 7-9 weeks of nausea and fatigue and many, many hours of laying on the couch, but I am finally starting to feel better.

As of today, I am 14 weeks, 5 days along, with a projected due date between August 8-14. If anyone asks, I tell them I'm due August 12th. I'm sure once we have our ultrasound (between 18-20 weeks) there will be a more definite due date given. At our last appointment I was 11 weeks and we heard the heartbeat. That really made the pregnancy feel real (as if the nausea wasn't enough to convince me). I am now starting to show a little, so that is also making it real.

Things around the 'House of Mann' have been little crazy, with Ethan picking up many of the husband and wife duties in our house. He has been most understanding with me, even though he is busy working on a major paper (his comps) and also doing his research and taking classes. Miss Nima has been extra-cuddly and I think she knows that I am pregnant.

Right now I am fighting off some sort of cold or flu, so again not feeling 100% like myself yet, but I am at least able to do some laundry :). I'm going to have to toughen up before I become a mom.

Below are a few pictures from the fall/winter. Although some of them are not the most up-to-date, I still like them! There are very few pictures of me from November to now, simply because I would not allow them to be taken!

Below is a picture a nice couple took of us on a Sunday walk in October.

Above is a picture of Ethan and our niece Jayden at the petting zoo portion at the Omaha zoo. Jayden spent a few days with us (by ourselves) in November. Below is Jayden and me at the aquarium.The last two pictures were taken at Christmas. One is of Jayden with her daddy (my brother Wade) and Jayden with her Uncle E. She is ALWAYS so excited to see Uncle E and Nima!
Well, I think that is pretty good for getting this blog started. In the very near future I hope to post a few pics of my growing belly and an ultrasound picture. Until then, stay warm!

1 comment:

kt said... got your blog up and going! great job! i will add your link to my blog! hope all is well at 'the mann house'! we are experiencing blizzard like conditions here!
love ya,