Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Everything looks perfect"

A little cuddle time the other day.

"What mom?". Taya enjoys working at her table.

Omi and Papa brought Taya some gifts from the Oregon coast. Taya really enjoyed the 2 bracelets and the necklace.

Pictures of me somewhere between 21 and 22 weeks. We had our ultrasound yesterday. "Everything looked perfect and normal" according to the doctor.

New stats:

Wt= 136 lbs

BP= 95/60

Baby's heartrate=144 on ultrasound; 155 on doppler
Baby's weight= ~1 lb
*In comparison, Taya's heartrate was 137 bpm and she was 14 oz on her ultrasound.

The baby had it's back toward us during the whole ultrasound so we didn't get a profile picture. I was looking forward to comparing this baby's profile with Taya's but that's ok. We did get great shots of the spine which was all intact. We also saw 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 hands, and 2 feet. I can't wait to meet this little one.

More cuddle time last night. Taya took a digger on our walk.

Little miss independent has been wanting to walk rather than ride in her stroller on our walks. The past few days she has wanted to run instead of walk and she fell and skinned her knees two nights ago and fell again last night resulting in re-skinned knees, a scrape on the forehead, and a big bruise and scrape on her nose. It was hard to watch but she seems back to normal today.

In other news, I was offered a position as a renal dietitian with Fresenius Medical Care North America. I will be working in two dialysis clinics for a total of 28 hours/week. I begin on Monday so Taya will also be starting a new daycare. It's going to be hard to go back after 2 months together but I think it will be good for both of us to get out of the house. Say prayers for us!

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