A brief update from the Mann's.
Monday Taya and I had some quality time together...we went to storytime then headed to the mall to finish some Christmas shopping. Taya was such a good girl and God blessed me with some energy and we got all but 3 gifts purchased and I even got some wrapped! I also took advantage of some free gift wrapping at a few places :).
Ethan and I both had Thursday off and we had another busy day...Nima went to the groomer, Taya had school pictures, went to storytime, went to my doctor appt., then I went to a meeting at work while Ethan and Taya went to Ethan's lab. Needless to say, by the end of the evening I could barely keep my eyes open on the couch at 7:30.
A few pictures from our week........
Taya wanted to sit at the big table. Since I still haven't found a booster seat I like, Ethan put together a few textbooks with a belt. It worked pretty well but later Taya asked to sit in her high chair.
Ready for pictures then on to storytime!
Taya's new winter coat and snowpants came in the mail. She loves her "pokie-dots".
Nima looking good after the groomer. The bow didn't stay in long.
38 weeks pregnant with baby Mann #2....................
149 lbs
Baby's heartrate 130s
Group B strep-NEGATIVE!!!
I was reading through some old blogs (thanks for the idea, cousin Katie) to see how I looked and how I was feeling at this time with Taya. I feel exactly the same except maybe a little more tired just from having a 2 year old and not getting the rest I did with Taya.
At 37 weeks with Taya I wrote that I felt great, didn't have any feelings of having to get this baby out, and mostly I was just feeling anxious about what to expect with labor and delivery. Well, although I am ready to get rid of this big belly, I don't really feel like this baby HAS to come soon. In fact, I've told Ethan that even if I'm overdue I will not want induced...the baby will have to come eventually. I also have the knowledge of what a natural delivery entails (not that bad) so I know I can do it again. I guess my biggest unknown now is what it will be like with 2 kids!
I read my blog from 38 weeks with Taya...we had gone to North Platte/Ogallala for Danny and Stacia's wedding, which is funny because at 38 weeks this time we went to watch Danny play football. Anyhoo, I wrote that I had slept until 9:00 that morning and was eating cinnamon rolls while I typed (haven't slept 'til 9:00 a.m. for a LONG time now). Also on that blog, Ethan predicted by the following weekend we'd have a baby (and we did, 4 days after I posted that blog). He hasn't make any predictions except he doesn't think it will be until a week from this weekend (about 2 days before my due date).
38 weeks with Taya......................
I might have another blog before the big announcement but it's possible the next time I post it will be with pictures of our new little one!