Saturday, November 20, 2010

No baby yet

Hi...I thought I had new pictures to post but unfortunately I don't.
My mom made it on Wednesday so I was hoping to stay pregnant at least 'til then and I made it. So far things seem to be calm and baby has been more "quiet" although he or she seems to be running out of room. My mom and I got pedicures this morning and so far no contractions :).

I had a doctor's appointment last Monday and the next is scheduled for Tuesday the 23rd. At the time my weight was stable and the baby has dropped so much that the uterine measurements aren't accurate any more. The baby is definitely sitting low and my belly is just kind of hanging out. The nurse midwife told me I have "a nice sized baby" in there.

Mom, Taya, and I took advantage of our time together and we did more Christmas shopping yesterday. Taya was good and slept almost the whole time, except for lunch. I got a lot of Christmas presents picked out for myself but still have a few left to purchase. Now Grammy's room is full of gifts that need wrapped.

Anyhoo, I do hope my next post will be with detail of our new arrival. Until then...we appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby (and mommy).

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