Thursday, March 31, 2011

March--out like a lion

I really can't believe it's the last day of March today. For my Nebraska friends and family, Ohio weather isn't any better than in Nebraska. It is windy and cold and there is snow on the ground here today. I was hoping for March to go "out like a lamb" as I remember learning about in kindergarten, but it isn't that way this year. The past few weeks we have been transitioning bedrooms. Ethan painted Rory's room "breezy blue" (sorry, I forgot to post a pic but will do so when Rory's furniture is in there). Taya got a new big girl bed and nightstand (dresser coming later). Her bed is an actual twin bed with a trundle underneath so we hope she'll like it for years to come! Rory has outgrown the co-sleeper so we moved the crib into our room so we could set up Taya's new furniture. In another month or so we'll move Rory into his own room but I'm just not ready yet :(. So far Taya is doing really well in her new bed; she usually gets up 1-2 times after we put her down and the first few nights she would wake Ethan up to go potty in the middle of the night. Even though she had freedom in the other bed, I think the change made her want to get up. She has yet to fall out of the new bed though!

With the slightly warmer weather, we still try to get out on our walks. Both kids fell asleep one weekend afternoon.
Rory rolled over for the first time last Thursday 3-24-11. I was so happy to be home that day and can't believe what a growing boy he is! He hasn't rolled over since then but I was a proud mom that day.

Taya's new favorite show is "Angelina Ballerina" on PBS. Last weekend she wanted to wear her tutu. She wore it all day Sunday and has fun doing spins and jumps.
Rory just giving mom some smiles. I get those smiles a lot!!! He actually smiles like that at anyone who will talk to him.

Monday afternoon I let Taya watch one of her shows and set Rory up in the bumbo. At one point Taya was just sitting by him with her arms around him and later she decided to read to him.
Rory had his 4 month check up (complete with 4 shots) on Monday the 28th.

Weight-20 lbs 4 oz

Height-27.5 inches

Head circumference-17.5 inches He was such a good boy and wasn't very fussy, even after all those shots. I just got some extra cuddles and he slept a little extra. He was even a good boy the following days at daycare, no tylenol required!

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