Thursday, March 10, 2011

Omi and Papa's visit

Hello to all!
We hosted Omi and Papa just over a week ago and we enjoyed their visit. Taya especially enjoyed having guests so she could show off and entertain. This was also Rory's first time meeting his Omi and Papa so that was very special. We didn't really do anything but hopefully they will come back and we can do some sight-seeing.

My pictures are out of order, oops, but here you go...
Dad got some Rory cuddle time last night.

Last Sunday we hosted friends Chris and Sheelah and Ethan's boss, Dan, for dinner and to watch the OSU v. Wisconsin basketball game. I made my first attempt at homemade runzas and they were a hit!
Sheelah works for a publishing company and brought the kids some books, which was so sweet. Unfortunately, Chris suffered an injury by getting a book thrown at his nose. Taya felt really bad so insisted he have a Dora band-aid and ice.

And proof Omi and Papa were here... :)

Rory's first day of daycare was Feb. 28. We visited the Friday before so I could meet the staff in the infant room and see how the day goes there. I didn't think I'd have trouble sending Rory there since I've gone through this with Taya. I was wrong! When we got home, I felt like a terrible mother and shed some tears. Luckily, by Monday I was feeling ok about it again and Rory had a great first day! I'm sure he loves the stimulation and activity because he loves to be talked to. He slept 8 hours that night! He also slept 9 hours after his 3rd day there. He is taking the bottle without problems. So far his favorite "new" toy is the jumparoo. We don't have one of those (we have an exersaucer) so it's fun for him to do something different.

Taya likes having Rory go to school with her. It's much easier to get her out of the house. She is still doing lots of singing and makes up her words to common tunes. She'll sing about baby Rory or mom and dad to the tune of 'Old McDonald' or 'Row Row Row Your Boat'. It's very entertaining. She's also been playing a lot in her kitchen.

That's all from here. We are very anxious for spring!

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