Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A few pics to tide you over...

I apologize for the delay in's sad! I am now back to work full time and since the blog site tends to take forever to load my pictures, it's hard for me to keep up. I am attempting to load pics of the past month but it may take several tries to get all of them here. I decided just to post in shifts.

A few weeks ago Ethan was able to grind down the unsightly stump in our back yard. Please see previous posts from last summer to view pics from when he cut it down :)
For some reason, Taya enjoys having "stuff" on her, sauce, bubbles, etc. She will say "hey mom, look at me" and I know before I look that she must have something on her face. So cute though, right?

Nima and Rory love each other.

2 big bottom teeth and he has 2 big ones on top now.

Rory is eating solids like a champ. His favorites are green beans and peas and pears. He also loves his rice cereal (made with breast milk of course). Really, there isn't anything he doesn't like so far. He has also had a few of the cereal type snacks and water in a sippy cup; he's not so good at either of those yet, but I thought he might like to try.

He also had his 6 month check up yesterday.


22 lbs 4 oz

29 inches long

Yes, I have a big boy. I love him to bits. He and Taya really love each other, too. Taya loves to help him get toys, cover him up, and has been showing him how to use his fingers to eat and drink. She also sings and dances alot. He will just stare at her and be totally enthralled in whatever song she is singing or story she's telling. It is very rewarding to watch my kids interact. Ethan and I both agree we're not done yet...

More pics to come sporadically. Love to all!

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