Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This week has been a little more challenging for both Tracy and I as parents. Taya has been pretty happy, but gas has been parent enemy #1. Taya seems to eat a lot and have some difficulty passing gas, but when she finally does she is able to sleep for a few hours. Just one of those baby things.

Nima has taken to her dog-bed even now more to escape the madness. A few night this week she has even gone and gotten in our bed before us. I guess she isn't use to working all day. Before Taya came along she would sleep away her mornings.

We are still waiting to get on a better schedule with Taya, but at 2 and 1/2 weeks, she is doing well we think.

Tracy is doing well, she has gotten back into her closet and found that most of her clothes are fit again, even some of her jeans! Walks in the evening have also been helping us all to get out and get some fresh air in the evenings. We are lucky to have had one of the coolest Augusts I can remember.

Thanks to everyone for calls, letters, and gifts we are working on sending out baby announcements and thank yous!

Little miss Nima is always on guard.

The latest Mann Family photo, it probably will be seen again at Christmas.

Taya is snuggled in her blankets.
Bath time, Thanks Ben and Brigid for the bath gadget, Taya seems to love it.
Nima and Dad-O doing a little parenting. Sort-of

Monday, August 18, 2008

It's hard to believe Miss Taya is 12 days old today. I keep trying to remember what it was like before her delivery and it's hard! I can't rest a bowl of cereal on my belly anymore and I definitely get less sleep, but I can't imagine life without her. Right now she is snoozing in her swing after going for a walk, eating, and getting a bath. She is such a good girl.

This week will be busy for Taya...she has a two week doctor appointment Thursday, then her Grammy should be here by suppertime. Saturday morning, her Aunts Erin, Elysia, and Emlyn along with Omi and Papa will be over to visit (Erin and Elysia for the first time).

Last week we decided we didn't have enough pink items for Taya to wear, so we got her some new sleepers. Below are a few of them. Daddy picked all of them out!

This is one of the pink dresses Daddy picked out. She wore this on her outing to Babies R Us to pick out bedding for the nursery.

Taya is not happy is the particular picture, but isn't her sleeper cute?? Be sure to check out the feet. Ironically, the same day we went shopping, my cousin Katie sent us this same sleeper but in a different size.

Taya more wide-eyed and not looking quite as upset.
We love baby feet and who wouldn't with these cute tootsies??
This was Taya today sleeping in her swing. She and I hung out in our p.j.'s today. I think her cheeks are getting chubbier.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yes, more first-born photos

Taya is already copping an attitude! - not really, but sometimes.
Tracy took some pictures of Taya this afternoon on her blanket.
Another one of the few images of Taya awake.
This was taken following Taya's first bath. She was compliant, but not cooperative.
Grammy and Taya after the bath; of course she fulled an advisory capacity, and was proud of her work.
Everything is going quite well in the Mann Household. Tracy and I are learning on the job as all good first-time parents do. Grammy is helpful, but she is perfectly willing to let us make our own choices and mistakes as we see fit. Again, it's my understanding that this too is mandatory for first-time parents. We are slowly catching up on our sleep also. Taya is starting to eat more quantity per feeding, and thus she is able to sleep slightly longer in between feedings. She is also sleeping well in her co-sleeper (Thanks Becky, Jenny, Sarah, and family) which serves as a bassinet during the day. Tracy is also feeling much better today and that is helping her move around more easily as well as sleep more comfortable (when that might happen). We also went on our first full-length (short route) walk tonight since it was so beautiful outside. Both Nima enjoyed the exercise and Taya enjoyed the nap, as usually happens when she is in the stroller. There's probably tons more to talk about, but that is enough for tonight.

Monday, August 11, 2008

More Taya Photos

Even dogs have to rest
My girls right before bedtime
Papa Les and his girls
Omi with little Taya
Nima "fills in" where she is needed
Taya in her swing, legs tucked in.
She can sleep anywhere.
Nima, close by as always.
Mommy and Nima, checking on Taya
Grammy getting her time with Taya

Taya on her first trip to Sunday Mass

Sunday pictures, notice the pretty dress Mommy picked out.

Another attempt at a "family" photo
The pink girls!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Bouncing Baby Girl

Taya and Tracy's flowers (and gift card) from Dad-O. Well done girls!

Ryan and Emily Banks. Close college/life friends (they are also expecting and Ryan will appear more below).

These are randomly ordered pictures (still picking up this posting thing).

Taya worked out her "new" swing even though it is about 4 times as old as she is. A nap was had = success.

Tracy and Taya's beautiful flowers from all her maternal family.

Beautiful flowers from Grammy, Wade, Jarv, and little miss Jayden.

Taya preparing for home.

Loading of Taya.

Memorable image (these are in a parking garage, it was only about 4:45 pm, not that dark)

Nima being good. As long as she follows Taya around, and doesn't forget where she is at; all is well. Otherwise it is a mission to locate and re-taste the baby is necessary.

Helpful Grammy, with Nima again. Another good example of Nima's duties. She takes the term watch-dog quite literally.

Taya on the Warming tray in the delivery room. Someday she may be a beach girl (but only in a pant-swimming suit).

My college roommate, Co-bestman, etc.., Dr. (well resident, but unofficially DR, it is complicated) Ryan Banks. His wife, Emily Banks (shown above) is due this fall (with probably a girl as well, at least Tracy and I think so).

This was not selected by Tracy, but she was almost completely naked in some images, so whatever. This is very proud Tracy working with Taya on her first day of breastfeeding. They are both very good now.

Preparing to go home. This nurse and I had a tense moment when she was not letting me leave as easily as I thought it should have been.

Baby Taya all bundled up ready to finally see the puppy that had been sitting on her for 9 months.

All is well in the Mann household. Mother Teresa (Grammy) has been a wonderful help since before Tracy even went into labor, through labor, and now at home. Having an extra set of hands to help burp, change, and clean up after Taya is a God-send. We are looking forward to other visits from my parents Les and Debbie (so far going simply by Grandpa and Grandma, respectively) as well as Aunt Emyln (my third sister), Aunt Erin (my eldest sister) and Aunt Elysia (my second sister). Other family members from Tracy's family will likely be coming including Teresa's sisters and Great Grandma Cena. Taya is blessed to be born into a big and loving family.

Taya has been breastfeeding very well, Tracy is already starting to see her milk coming in and we are only about 48 hours (as I write) from Taya's delivery. Our Catholic-, Air force-, Family- physician, Dr. Harnisch, was the first to notice today that Taya had a little milk in her mouth after a little time at the breast. This was at this morning's check-up for Taya's weight (6#10 oz), Heart check (good), and length (about yay-big).
We have been alternating naps to try and not all get run down at the same time. Taya's Mom and Grammy did take her on her first shopping trip to Target this evening (actually Dad pushed her around Target a little, only to catch jealous eyes) for some more pink items.

Enjoy the photos, most of which occurred after the others we had posted while we were still in the hospital. (We arrived home from the hospital last night at about 5pm)