Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Big girl

Taya is growing by leaps and bounds...well she should with all of her oral intake! She has tripled the amount of solids she eats at night and still nurses about the same amount. I think she is going through a growth spurt! She is also growing teeth and has sprouted one of her bottom front teeth this week. She doesn't like anyone to look in her mouth but we catch a glimpse of a "nub" when she smiles. It is not all the way through yet and I think the other tooth will be coming soon.
Taya's personality is starting to show more. She loves it when Ethan sings to her, but doesn't mind when I do. She really like "Old McDonald's Farm". We were told that she is the most laid back baby at daycare and one of the more cuddly ones. I can tell she gets held plenty at daycare :).
She is also starting to sit up on her own and looks so proud when she does. I will have to get some pictures of that.
Hope you are having a good week. We have enjoyed the two nice days and went for a walk yesterday and today. Unfortunately it is still winter so we have some colder days ahead with a chance for snow on Saturday. Sounds like a good day to snuggle up at home!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

Hi everybody. Happy late Valentine's day to all of our friends and family. Taya hosted her "Bradley baby" friends for brunch yesterday morning. 6 out of 9 classmates w/babies were able to come and catch up. We had a nice visit and it was fun to see how much the babies have grown.

Ethan and I don't really celebrate Valentine's day so we didn't do anything special, but we enjoyed our Saturday at home for the afternoon and evening. I went and got a new "mom 'do" and took Taya to the salon with me. She was a huge hit!!

Here are some pictures from our day.

Taya hanging out as she plays hostess
Ethan took Nima to the vet for her yearly check up. She ended up getting 1 shot and microchipped and she has grown to a whopping 8 lbs (up from 7.9 lbs last year and the year before). She was tuckered out after that

I read Taya a few books last night. She likes to "help"

Taya had more fun trying to eat the pages than turning them

Mommy and her little Valentine.

Daddy with his little Valentine

Taya just being her cute self. This was after her hostess gig

Another cute picture of a cutie pie

Bradley babies oldest to youngest, left to right:
Amber, Julien, Thea, Abram, Taya, Logan

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

6 month check up

Taya turned 6 months old last Friday. The time with her has flown by and this time of year reminds me of when I was first pregnant with her. I feel so blessed to be her mommy!
Her check up was yesterday. She got two shots that left bruises in her chubby thighs; she hasn't been too crabby though.
Weight: 18 lbs
Height: 26 inches

On a walk, first time in her stroller without her car seat. She liked it!

Taya and Eli checking each other out on Super Bowl Sunday.

Big girl doing tummy time on her play mat from Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy.

Baby and Dad-o

Mom playing with Taya's hair...trying out a velcro barrette.

Eating some carrots, mmmmmm!

More tummy time and playing with a new toy.

Carrots again...picture are out of order

Being a big girl at Auntie Em's house.

Hhhhmmm, not sure about this.

Taya with her Auntie Emlyn.

Taya after her first shower. She has been "cuting" us.