Sunday, September 26, 2010

Taya's rainbow

-Taya was up at 6:00 this morning so we've been to early Mass and had a doughnut. Now Ethan's asleep on the couch with Nima while Taya and I are relaxing in bed. It's a lazy Sunday with no plans. It's also a little chilly today so it's perfect for sweats and cuddling. :)
-Thursday I had an OB appt. I am ~32 weeks. Again, a clean report. My glucose test was normal (103 and I would have needed to be >140 before needing to run other tests for gestational diabetes) and my hemoglobin and iron looked great the doctor said.
--Wt.: 144.8 lbs
--BP: 120/62
--Baby's heartrate: 128 bbp
--Taya also wanted weighed. She was 28.8 lbs.

-We had storms on Wednesday. When I got home from work I heard Taya say "rainbow". Sure enough, this was the site out our kitchen window.
I stepped outside to get the full rainbow but it was too big and beautiful so I had to get it in a couple of shots. I guess we never outgrow amazement at God's beauty and promise.
Grammy sent a package and in it were these fun leg warmers! Taya had to try them on right away. Oh, and she had to dance around!

Taya was a good girl at my doctor appt. and she had a dry pull-up all day at daycare (except once) and went potty each time on Friday so she got a treat...a Happy Meal. She got a little doll with a mirror. She really likes the mirror!
The other reason Taya got a Happy Meal was because Ethan and I went out on Friday. We met a work friend of Ethan's and his wife for dinner, then went to a free outdoor concert at OSU. The band was Weezer and although it's not a band (or type of music) we usually listen to, it was fun to get out alone. We haven't done anything since before we moved so it was nice.
Almost 32 weeks. Really? I only have 2 months left?!?!
Taya thought my shirt was pretty.
She also gave baby a hug.
I took this today after church. Taya was wearing a new coat.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sweet September

Taya enjoying a candy carmel apple salad off the big spoon :)

Taya reading a book in mommy and daddy's room. She knows quite a few of the pages of all her favorite books.
Well, September is half that possible? We started a new "routine" this week. We switched daycares and I started working 2-10 hr days and 1-8 hr day in order to be home an extra day during the week. The long days are just that, l-o-n-g but the extra day with Taya is worth it. We went to storytime, had lunch with a friend, went on a walk and to the park and to the grocery store during our two days (plus a little relaxing and baking).
Since the days require getting up a little earlier, Taya's new routine is to get up early, even on weekend days :(. Being a mom is a peculiar thing though. Yesterday I woke up before Taya and I couldn't get comfortable in bed (leg cramps anyone?) so I got up. I found myself anxiously waiting to hear her little voice. But this morning she woke up at 5:50 and I was thinking "Really? You want to get up already?" I'm also getting emotional and sad that Taya won't be my baby anymore yet I'm ready for her to do big girl things like be done potty training.
Taya is now very interested in the baby in mommy's belly. She will talk to it, kiss it, rub it, hug it, and cover it up. She will say "little sister" even though we don't know what the gender is. I try to tell her it could be a little sister OR a little brother (just so she's not disappointed) but her eyes get really big and excited when I say little sister. Intuition? I don't know, but I can't wait to find out!
Ethan and I went to tour the Family Birthplace at the hospital where we'll deliver in Delaware, Oh. It is small (only 4 birthing rooms) and they average 35 births/month. I think we'll get very personalized care and they are very family oriented so I don't think having Taya there along with my mom, Ethan, and whoever else might come will be a problem. It made me a little sad not to be at UNMC with the midwives but now I feel comfortable knowing the surroundings a little better.
Hope all is well. God Bless!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Labor Day weekend 2010

We flew out to Connecticut on Thursday, Sept. 2. We arrived only about an hour after my brother and his family and my grandma. Taya had a blast playing with her cousins (as you will see in the pictures below) and grandma Cena got to hear Taya sing ABCs about a million times. It was a wonderful treat to see my family. We arrived back home on Tuesday, Sept. 7 so we had a nice, long weekend.

This is out of order because I forgot to upload it, but this is grandma Cena at the beach. She ended up holding all of the kids stuff.
This was the first morning we were there. Taya was getting reacquainted with uncle Wade. That yellow chair was "her" chair the whole weekend.
Dunkin' Donut Saturday with cousin Jayden.

Big cousins Beau and Jayden holding Taya's hand for a walk. I don't think Beau wore a shirt the entire time...he LOVED being at the beach house.
Aunt Jillian supervising the walk.
The first day we made it to the beach it was really windy. We were getting the effects of Hurricane Earl. The kids still wanted to play in the sand though.

Look at that smile. It makes me nervous for the future...but the kids had a blast in the Barbie Corvette. Taya liked the horn best but she did drive the car a few times.

Beau was a better driver so Taya really liked to ride with him. He enjoyed driving the girls around.

Taya woke up at 6:00 pretty much every morning (except once at 7:00) but we watched a beautiful sunrise on Sunday.

A very tired Taya.
We ventured to the beach again Sunday. It was still a little chilly and windy but less than the previous day.
Not the greatest but the only family photo we got on the trip.
Beau (far left), Jayden (middle), and Jillian (right) all loved wave jumping.
Since I was taking pictures, Ethan took Taya to play.
No matter the temperature, Taya loves water!
Dad-o, Taya, and Grammy just strollin'...

After swimming, baths, and jammies it was time for a little more cruising :)
The guys in charge of grilling. We had steak and lobster (and I got my own piece of fresh Atlantic salmon, yum!).
That is Jarv's boat in the sound in front of the beach house. Monday morning he took Wade, Jillian, and Ethan out to water ski. Wade and Jillian did really well...Ethan not so much but he at least gave it a try.
The kids watching the water skiing from the porch.
You can barely see a black speck in the water to the left of the boat...that's Ethan's head.
Taya enjoyed her Grammy time.
And Grammy enjoyed her Taya time.
We (the kids and me) finally got to go on the boat Monday evening. We went up the Connecticut River.
Uncle Wade and Taya floating on the river.

Aunt Jillian, Uncle Wade, cousin Jayden, and miss Taya

A view of part of Saybrook on our way back to the boat dock.
And that's when my battery died in the camera. We had a pretty fun time but I think Taya had the most fun seeing her family. The highlight of my trip was Jillian and I were treated to pedicures so we had an hour to ourselves.
**For those who haven't checked the blog recently, I also have two other posts from a few days ago...this post might be long enough to knock them to another page so be sure to look back if you want to see**